Customer Experience

Positive feedback is considered as a compliment and is used towards measuring rewards and recognition of staff. Appreciation is always encouraging and contributes to motivating teams to set higher standards.


Positive feedback is considered as a compliment and is used towards measuring rewards and recognition of staff. Appreciation is always encouraging and contributes to motivating teams to set higher standards.

Please share your valuable feedback at

Service experience may require attention and feedback can be shared via the following options:


  • Compliment for the service/staff
  • BLS Customer Support team receives the compliment
  • The staff is given a certificate of appreciation


Constructive feedback is treated as a complaint and an opportunity for continuous improvement. Assurance of a timely response and resolution of the grievance as per the organization’s complaint handling procedure is committed.

Please share your concerns at

Service experience may require attention and feedback can be shared via the following options:


  • Feedback received about service/ staff
  • BLS Customer Support team receives the complaint
  • The feedback is shared with the concerned supervisor
  • The supervisor investigates the complaint and will respond with a resolution. If the response provides is not satisfactory, the feedback may be readdressed.